Mahia School was lucky enough to have visitors from both the Hawkes Bay Emergency
Management group and the Napier Aquarium here to talk to us about keeping safe in the event of an earthquake or tsunami. The workshop began where the tamariki had to answer questions
about Ranginui and Papatuanuku and how they were separated and by whom. The
children were then entertained with a story ‘Te Hikoi a Ruamoko’ - ‘Ruaumoko’s Walk’,
a story that teaches children about natural warning signs of tsunamis. Some of
our tamariki were involved in the story telling, capturing the attention of their
peers and teachers using props provided.
conversation then moved into earthquakes and how they strike. We have some very
knowledgeable tamariki who knew a lot about earthquakes. The tamariki were
reminded on how to keep safe in the event of an earthquake by doing drop cover
and hold or in Te Reo Māori pāhake, hīpoki
me pupuri. All of our tamariki moved briskly
to hide under tables in the earthquake drill but it was recommended that the children drop, cover and hold where they were, keeping well away from windows.
The tamariki were also told of natural warning signs that would indicate a tsunami approaching. The natural warning signs mentioned were you would
feel the earth shake, see the ocean drop or the ocean withdraw from inland or hear an unusual roaring sound that may precede the arrival of a tsunami. In the event of a tsunami the children were informed to evacuate to higher ground, at least 35m above sea level luckily our school is situated on top of the hill, phew safe!
Another important subject raised was survival kits. Our Te Mahia School tamariki could name everything that is needed in a survival kit. So that leaves us with are you prepared and ready for if an earthquake or tsunami hits? What emergency plan and survival kit have you got tucked away?
A very informative afternoon, where the tamariki were reminded of safety and evacuation procedures in the event of an earthquake or tsunami, and the importance of survival kits and emergency plans. Thank you for visiting us Hawkes Bay Emergency Management group and the Napier Aquarium staff!

I have never actually been in a survival situation as a result of an earthquake or a tsunami. However, I have decided to learn as much as I can about earthquake and tsunami survival. Apart from your post, I found some pretty useful ideas here: http://survival-mastery.com/basics/how-to-survive-a-tsunami.html