Sunday, August 30, 2015

Geometry Gurus

For the next four weeks Room 1 tamariki will be learning about 3D shapes - making 3D shapes out of card and paper (drawing and folding nets), drawing on isometric paper, talking and writing about faces, edges and vertices, categorising shapes and solids, and tessellating shapes. So ask the tamariki about what they are learning, have discussions with them and get them to show you.

High Ropes Course - Community Centre

So today our senior students headed into the Community Centre to complete the high ropes course. Our tamariki thought about this prior to visiting, set themselves some personal goals and quizzed up on how this was going to be a safe day, having each others backs at all times. 4 people told me prior to the start of the day, they were scared of heights and this was something they thought they couldn't do. Our day started off with some games to really work together as a team; identify solutions to problems, share whakaaro, keep each other from hurting ourselves and communicating clearly. We then developed our trust further with the 'ladder activity.' We teamed up, learnt how to belay and then we headed up the ladders, up a great height! Our tamariki ALL completed the High Ropes and should all be very proud of themselves. Life is about setting yourself challenges and testing your limits and that was exactly what our tamariki conquered today. They should be super proud of themselves because I was blown away with the confidence they all pulled out of their pockets and displayed. Many thanks to Luana Mitchell who facilitated this day. Also Airini-Zoy who spent the day with us encouraging and supporting, (the choccie biscuits were yum too).

Monday, August 24, 2015

Our Parakiwai Road Cross Country

Cross Country last week was amazing, the sun was out with a little breeze favouring the race. Te Mahia School students all assembled in Miss Grover's paddock up Parakiwai Road.

The track consisted of the tamariki running around the paddock, continuing their run around the gully track. The gully track included running the fence line looking out to the Brown's and Miss O'B's house. Down a muddy slope through pine trees, across a little creek and back up along the fence line by Trixie's house.

What was impressive was the support the children had for each other, encouraging one another to persevere and carry on running through fatigue and exhaustion. Ka mau te wehi tamariki!!

A big thank you to parents and helpers who were positioned around the gully track keeping an eye on our tamariki as they ran the Cross country course. The turnout from parents and whanau to support our tamariki was magnificent, hope to see this support continue for future events.

X-Country at Nuhaka School

Tuki, Sharon, Patricia T-A, Rome, Becky, Jahnei, Ryan, Manaia, Lucas, Waitama and Jhalena travelled over to Nuhaka School on Tuesday to participate in the Nuhaka School x-country. It was a cooler day, perfect for running after the summer like weather we had on Monday. All of our Mahitians ran with a cranked up level of effort after our school x-country last Thursday.  Many thanks to Nuhaka School for inviting us over, all of our whanau that were there cheering on the side lines and to our tamariki who achieved some more personal goals on the day.

Special mention to Becky who placed 1st, Jahnei 2nd and Sharon Maru 3rd in their respective age divisions. Ka mau te wehi tamariki ma.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

What would you do in the event of an earthquake or tsunami?

Te Mahia School was lucky enough to have visitors from both the Hawkes Bay Emergency Management group and the Napier Aquarium here to talk to us about keeping safe in the event of an earthquake or tsunami. The workshop began where the tamariki had to answer questions about Ranginui and Papatuanuku and how they were separated and by whom. The children were then entertained with a story ‘Te Hikoi a Ruamoko’ - ‘Ruaumoko’s Walk’, a story that teaches children about natural warning signs of tsunamis. Some of our tamariki were involved in the story telling, capturing the attention of their peers and teachers using props provided.

The conversation then moved into earthquakes and how they strike. We have some very knowledgeable tamariki who knew a lot about earthquakes. The tamariki were reminded on how to keep safe in the event of an earthquake by doing drop cover and hold or in Te Reo Māori pāhake, hīpoki me pupuri. All of our tamariki moved briskly to hide under tables in the earthquake drill but it was recommended that the children drop, cover and hold where they were, keeping well away from windows.

The tamariki were also told of natural warning signs that would indicate a tsunami approaching. The natural warning signs mentioned were you would 
feel the earth shake, see the ocean drop or the ocean withdraw from inland or hear an unusual roaring sound that may precede the arrival of a tsunami. In the event of a tsunami the children were informed to evacuate to higher ground, at least 35m above sea level luckily our school is situated on top of the hill, phew safe! 

Another important subject raised was survival kits. Our Te Mahia School tamariki could name everything that is needed in a survival kit. So that leaves us with are you prepared and ready for if an earthquake or tsunami hits? What emergency plan and survival kit have you got tucked away?

A very informative afternoon, where the tamariki were reminded of safety and evacuation procedures in the event of an earthquake or tsunami, and the importance of survival kits and emergency plans. Thank you for visiting us Hawkes Bay Emergency Management group and the Napier Aquarium staff!


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Staff vs STUDENTS Netball 2015

Friday was a brilliant day to have the annual staff vs students netball game challenge. With two players out of the game due to injury, (fractures and sprains), the staff were feeling confident about how the game might pan out. Congratulations to the students who gave it their all and didn’t give up until the final whistle had blown. The staff were however champions on the day, 25 to 2. Many thanks to Tegan who umpired the game, (and kept her competitive big sister aka Miss Kereru in line). Lots of fun and thank you to the whanau that came to tautoko and also join in on court. Our younger students have asked for a Ripper game against adults – whanau are you keen?

Monday, August 3, 2015

High Ropes Obstacle Course GoPro

We are heading into the Wairoa Community Centre on Wednesday 26th August to complete the high ropes course. Think about the table below and add your thoughts and your neighbours thoughts about how we can best prepare for this challenge.

Some topic related words I want you to be able to explain what they mean...
Karabiner, belay, abseiling, anchor, vertical, descender/descending, harness. You will need words and pictures to explain clearly what you mean.

Goal Setting - think carefully about why we are doing this challenging activity and set yourself a goal for the day. There may be something you are anxious about, there may be something on offer for very confident people. What is your goal?